>Good day folks -
>We are scheduled to meet next week on Friday September 29 from Noon
>- 1:30 PM. I have listed the other dates below. I plan to send
>along details related to the meeting later this week or on Monday
>next. If you have any items you want us to cover please forward
>them to me so I can add them to the agenda.
>Davis Advisory Committee Agenda
>September 29, 2006
>Updates - FFE - Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment
> - Food Services and the RFP
> - Recruitment - Full Time staff
> - Students
>Discussion - Confirmation of Access/Reservation Policies
> - Sheet signs -
> - Space assignments for Student Organizations
>Future Meetings
>October 27 - 1:30 - 3 PM
>November 10 - 3 - 4:30 PM
>December 15 - 3 - 4:30 PM
Patrick Brown
Director of Student Life and the
Dudley H. Davis Center
University of Vermont
(802) 656-2060