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April 2000


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Mary Romary <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Diversity Ambassador <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 28 Apr 2000 08:58:51 -0400
text/plain (18 lines)
WHAT:   International Food Festival
WHEN:   Saturday, May 6, 2000, 11:00 am to 5:00 pm
WHERE:  Burlington High School
free shuttle from Royall Tyler Theater 10:30 am to 1:30 pm
Free and open to the public ($1 per sample of food)
For more information, contact Hilltop Light Church 863-0524
co-sponsored by Womyn of Color

If you are willing to perform cultural dances or songs, and/or donate a
cultural dish, please call 655-0229.

Background information:  This event is in continuation of a fund raiser for
children in Malawi whose parents have died of AIDS.  So far, members in the
Burlington community have been able to raise funds for a well and to start
building a shelter for the 300 + orphans.  Further donations are needed to
complete the well and put a roof on the shelter.  With these donations,
food and clothing are being provided for the orphans.