Hello Everyone,
In order to help you prepare for your final exam in GEOG 001, I have placed
two of the videos that were shown in class on reserve at the Bailey-Howe
Library's Media Center (downstairs).
Remote Economic Development at BRATSK in Siberia:
Program 8 from the Power of Place series. This 15 minute video segment is
the fourth one on the tape.
Berlin: Center of a changing Europe
This is a 25-minute video of the changes that have taken place in Berlin
(and Germany generally) during the 20th century. I handed out a notes
guide in class, but have also attached one to this document for your
These can be checked out and viewed on the video players across from the
Media Center desk.
Good luck with your studies. Feel free to contact me if you there are
other ways I can be of assistance.
Mike Dorn
Mike Dorn
Visiting Lecturer
Department of Geography
200 Old Mill Building
Box 54170
Burlington, VT 05405-4170
Office Ph (802) 656-9601
Office Fx (802) 656-3042
[log in to unmask]http://www.uvm.edu/~mdorn/