ETAD Archives

March 1999


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Shahram Zamani Mortazavi <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Electronics Theses and Dissertations <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 1 Mar 1999 10:21:28 +330
text/plain (42 lines)
> Date sent:      Tue, 23 Feb 1999 18:48:06 -0600
> Send reply to:  Electronics Theses and Dissertations <[log in to unmask]>
> From:           Chang-Hoan Cho <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject:        research help
> To:             [log in to unmask]

> --
> Hello!
> I am a doctoral student in advertising at the University of Texas at
> Austin.  My research interest has been the effectiveness of banner
> ads on the Web--what are the antecedents of banner clicking.  As a
> project for my
> doctoral dissertation, I am conducting an on-line survey of audience
> processing of banner ads (factors affecting banner click-through).  The
> participation is totally voluntary and all information about you will be
> kept
> completely confidential.  Again, this is not commercial purpose at
> all.  It will take around 15 minutes to complete this online survey.
> I'd
> greatly appreciate your time in helping with my project. If you complete
> this survey, you have a chance to receive a sweepstake of $100.
> The online survey is located at
> If you have any question regarding my project, I am more than happy to
> provide further information (my publications, research hypotheses, etc.)
> Thank you very much.
> best regards,
> Chang-Hoan Cho
> ABD, The University of Texas at Austin
> [log in to unmask]

   I will do my best to fill your questionair , I , my self am a Ph.D
student in biomedical engineering and will be needing you in future.
                                   Shahram Zamani Mortazavi