ETAD Archives

December 1996


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"Warren I. Schaeffer" <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 2 Dec 1996 13:34:03 -0500 (EST)
TEXT/PLAIN (71 lines)
Hi all,

With respect to Geoff's message below, I spent this 
weekend working over the FORMATTING OF 
THESES/DISSERTATIONS and have just sent a draft to 
Delcie, Martha, Ralph and Nancy for their comment.  
When I have it in more final form, I will send it to 
you all.  In it, most importantly, is a section 
called:  A Note on Computer Formatting in which, 
finally, it is defined as the use of a computer and  
wordprocessing software instead of the convoluted way 
in which the whole issue has been treated.

As for the etad part of this message, the American
Society for Microbiology has gone to electronic
submission of abstracts for its annual meetings via 
its homepage at URL =
However, I went there and there was no mention I could 
find about that so I sent an e-mail to their 
webmaster.  No answer as yet.  Maybe you'all might 
have better luck.

As to our meeting, I thought we would do so when Hope 
got back from her meeting at which I believe etad was 
to be discussed.  Not so?   Was there nothing to 
report?  Where might we go from here?

My best,
Warren I. Schaeffer               "Never, for the sake of peace and quiet
University of Vermont		   deny your own experience or convictions"
Microbiol. & Molec. Genetics          			   Dag Hammarskjold
117 Stafford Building     Phone: (802)656-2290 * Fax: (802)656-8749
Burlington, VT 05405		e-mail: [log in to unmask]

On Tue, 26 Nov 1996, Geoffrey Duke wrote:

> At 03:18 PM 11/20/96 +0000, you wrote:
> >Hi -
> >
> >I was out with the flu during the recent Format Wrokshop. Can someone
> >fill me in on the details? 
> I did a <em> brief </em> presentation:
> 	<>
> >I'm not sure what is meant by theses needing
> >to be formatted on a word processor, particularly the bit about Table of
> >Contents and Indexes. How much formatting, what kind, a template, what's
> >the desired end etc.?
> At this point, the END RESULT is still hardcopy. The grad college folks
> have emphasized electronic formatting as a tool to get there. But I have
> yet to hear clear answers to the questions you pose. I think that the
> requirements of establishing an electronic end product could provide us
> with some strong guideline in answering those questions, if we can begin
> the dialog.
> Right now, students are starting at A. and need to get to B. and it doesn't
> really matter how they get there as long as B. is B. When they need to get
> to C. instead, then things will change. (Holding back my systems theory).
> --Geoff