Hello EWBers! Happy day 2 of the wildest semester yet! We are so excited to welcome new members and really get the ball rolling on all of our projects. If anyone is new here or took the summer off, feel free to look through our past emails on listserv and files on our Microsoft teams to get caught up (which you can join with this link https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3a021ad75c0a70432cb4d80f349350e7e1%40thread.tacv2/General?groupId=b9f30d2b-2670-4828-84f2-86b4e0ac3aa4&tenantId=1c177758-4d6b-43dc-aaeb-3b9c42562967 ). We are also launching a website soon if anyone is interested in helping out with that! Anyway, the most important thing we need to get done now is to figure out when is the best time to meet during the week. So if you are interested in attending our fabulous weekly meetings, pretty please fill out this doodle poll! ( https://doodle.com/poll/pvyzbzsga6vhx99n ) Looking forward to meeting with y'all very soon! Hang in there <3 -Jill, la secrétaire