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November 2007


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Engineers Without Borders <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 8 Nov 2007 13:17:08 -0500
Engineers Without Borders <[log in to unmask]>
Jacqueline Elizabeth Bell <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; DelSp="Yes"; format="flowed"
To: Brett Daniel Davis <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (55 lines)
Any administrative EWB business will be very short (<5 min).  Brett  
would you be able to lead the group in a design night?  We will be  
meeting at7:00 on Monday.  where would you like to meet?  Karen @  
[log in to unmask] may be able to help you reserve space.

Can't wait!


Quoting Brett Daniel Davis <[log in to unmask]>:

> Hi again,
>    So what everyone has been writing makes perfect sense.  Some may or
> may not know, the oven project is my senior project for engineering
> management. I'd taken a few classes with Professor Baker last year, and
> knew that this project was one that he wanted engineering input on.  So
> I approached him this year and he was excited to have help with it.  I
> probably should have just sent this to the whole group from start.  For
> the most part this semester, I've been working with Professor Baker and
> some folks at Leader Evaporator (maple syrup evaporator company in
> Swanton), to come up with some basic oven improvements.  However, as
> more time was spent with the oven, the more variables came up, and the
> more I realized that this oven design encompasses areas that are over
> my head.  However, becuase I was committed to doing the project, and
> becuase I need to have it done in December, I've just been making due
> with the best of my knowledge and those that I work with.
>     The prospect of having a design team this semester is really
> exciting for me, and the project.  I was for the most part under the
> impression that EWB was looking to begin work on designs in December,
> so I figured that I'd go on with my project as usual.  My thought was
> that I'd have 2 or 3 ME students from EWB who would come tonight, and
> my agenda was to bring them up to speed, and try to bounce ideas off of
> them.  But becuase there has been such a large response and interest in
> doing design work now, then I would love the opportunity to have an EWB
> design meeting, where experts such as Peter and Mike could come
> consult, guide, etc.  I would be up for setting up an EWB meeting, but
> sooner rather than later.  I think that I have most of the information
> that Peter was mentioning, such as history of the project, materials,
> so we could have this meeting any time (its often tough to get Dan to
> attend extra meetings, he's usually really busy).  Would this Monday
> night work?  We can meet while EWB does administrative things, and have
> an official panela oven introduction?
>     Regardless,  I'll be working to put the pan design in CAD tonight,
> for those who still want to show up.  The pan design is not going to
> change, just the oven, but drawnings need to be made for a manual Dan
> is making.  We can talk about what's been done, etc.  Sorry for the
> length of this email, just thought I'd try to let everyone know where
> I'm coming from and where I'm heading.  Thanks for the input from
> everyone.
> Thanks,
> Brett