EWB Archives

September 2007


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Margaret McMorrow <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Engineers Without Borders <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 30 Sep 2007 15:43:51 -0400
text/plain (36 lines)
Jo, Owen and others,

I'm headed back from Afghanistan tomorrow, assuming I can catch another flight, since mine has been cancelled, and I still plan to attend the Rowan conference this weekend.  My plan was to head down with Peter, though I'd need a ride to Middlebury on Friday by noon (perhaps I can hitch a ride with Owen?).  I don't know if I can take over your registration, since I'm not a student, but if I can, I'd be happy to.  I was just going to do it when I got there.  Any recommendations on places to stay would also be welcome.



Margaret Ramalho McMorrow, P.E.
Staff Associate
ARD, Inc.

[log in to unmask]
+93 0797 421 938

-----Original Message-----
From: Engineers Without Borders on behalf of Joseph S. Krupa
Sent: Sun 9/30/2007 8:38 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Homecoming Parade and Fundraising banquet
Hi everyone,
As most of you know, there is an EWB conference on Oct 5th - 7th in  
New Jersey.  Originally, I was going to go with Owen.  Unfortunately,  
I can no longer attend due to an RA obligation that I just found out  
about.  I know it's short notice, but if someone would like to attend,  
and fill my spot, they are more than welcomed and encouraged to.   
Check out www.ewb-usa.com for more info, registration is $55 dollars,  
and you will be reimbursed.  If you have any questions please e-mail  
me.  I apologize again for the short notice.  Hope all else is going  
