April 1997


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[log in to unmask] (Paul Bierman)
Mon, 28 Apr 1997 15:18:53 -0400
text/plain (62 lines)

>>Dear Listmembers,
>>        We have available a PhD fellowship as described below.  I would
>>greatly appreciate it if you could bring this to the attention of any
>>interested students.  Thank you very much.
>>Stephen Burns
>>Doctoral Fellowship - Isotope Paleoclimatology
>>University of Bern, Switzerland
>>A Ph.D. Fellowship is available for study of climate change in the southern
>>Arabian Peninsula.  The project involves using stable isotopes and U/Th dating
>>techniques on speolothems collected from caves in Oman and Yemen to interpret
>>the effects of past variations in the Indian Ocean monsoon system on
>>climate.  The work is a collaboration between the Geologisches Intitute in
>>Switzerland, where stable isotope analyses will be done, and the University of
>>Heidelberg, Germany, where the U/Th dating will be done.  The project will
>>include both field and laboratory work.
>>Candidates with backgrounds in geology, environmental physics or chemistry are
>>encouraged to apply.  An MS degree (for candidates from North America) or
>>Diploma (European candidates) is necessary.  Laboratory experience,
>>familiarity with TIMS isotope techniques, is highly desirable.
>>The assistantship includes a stipend and covers all tuition and fees for the
>>duration of the project, which is expected to be 3 years.  Starting date
>>would be summer/fall 1997.
>>For additional information, or to apply contact:
>>     Dr. Stephen J. Burns
>>     Geological Institute, University of Bern
>>     Baltzerstrasse 1, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland
>>     ph - +41-31-631-8759
>>     email - [log in to unmask]
>>     Prof. Augusto Mangini
>>     Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften
>>     Institut fuer Umweltphysik
>>     Im Neuenheimer Feld 366, D-69120, Germany
>>     ph- +49-6221-543265
>>     email - [log in to unmask]
>>Dr. Stephen J. Burns
>>Stable Isotope Laboratory
>>Geological Institute
>>University of Bern

Paul Bierman                            (802) 656-4411 (v)
Geology Department                      (802) 656-0045 (fax)
University of Vermont                   geomorphology, isotope geology,
Burlington, VT 05405                    water, paleoneutrons and old dirt