Stable Isotope Geochemistry


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Paul Eby <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Stable Isotope Geochemistry <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 19 Jul 2005 14:32:27 -0700
text/plain (88 lines)
Damned reply button....

At 02:24 PM 19/07/2005, you wrote:
>I have just submitted an abstract for a talk to you, and fired off a
>registration check in the mail. Before I begin organizing my talk in
>earnest, however, I'm hoping you can give me a few details:
>How long are the talks intended to be? 15 minutes plus discussion? 10
>minutes plus discussion?
>Also, will there be a computer available for a Powerpoint slide show? If
>so, what version and OS?
>Paul Eby
>University of Victoria
>At 08:32 AM 16/06/2005, you wrote:
>>***** Second Circular*****
>>The 11th Canadian Continuous-Flow Isotope Ratio
>>Mass Spectrometry Workshop
>>August 14-17, 2005
>>Description and Scope
>>The original mandate of the continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry
>>(CF-IRMS) workshop was to assemble the Canadian stable isotope community in a
>>forum where emerging applications and technical developments in CF-IRMS could
>>be discussed.  Over the past 10 years the CF-IRMS workshop has grown into an
>>international forum that groups both experienced and novice CF-IRMS users.
>>Workshop participation is limited to 100 people, and 70 people are currently
>>registered. The website has been recently updated and can be found at:
>>I have included a current list of participants, and the requests for
>>If you would like to help out with these workshops please contact me as
>>soon as
>>The conference is organized in the following way:
>>Sunday August 14:  Introductory workshops intended for novice users and those
>>requested by registered participants.  This includes morning talks on
>>Introduction to Stable Isotopes (Gilles St. Jean), and Elemental Analyzers
>>(Paul Middlestead).  In the afternoon there will be a workshop with an
>>introduction to HPLC and irm-LCMS (Andreas Hilkert), and other workshops as
>>requested by the participants.
>>Monday August 15:  Manufacturers Forum.  Talks will be presented by our
>>(Elementar, GV, Isomass, Sercon) and possibly other manufacturers (SGE,
>>Swagelock).  We will have a poster session in the afternoon.
>>Tuesday August 16:  Applications.  Dr. Zach Sharp will present our keynote
>>address and will discuss laser applications.  In addition it looks like we
>>have application talks presented by Richard Doucett, Paul Eby, Andreas
>>Toti Larson, Paul Middlestead, Orfan Shouakar-Stash, Anna Smirnoff, and
>>Stuart Williams just to name a few!
>>Wednesday August 17:  Equipment demonstrations and tours of the
>>Laboratory for
>>Stable Isotope Science (LSIS, Rm G54, Western Science Building).  It is
>>possible that we will have additional workshops presented on Wednesday
>>New this year:  A Student Prize for best student presentation.
>>This is the second announcement for the conference.  The deadline for
>>registration and abstract submission has been extended to July 8, 2005.
>>Contact and Organizing Committee Chair: Kim Law
>>                                         LSIS
>>                                         Department of Earth Sciences
>>                                         The University of Western Ontario
>>                                         [log in to unmask]