Thu, 29 Jan 1998 16:13:34 -0600
Assuming your chromatography is spectacular and your method file is set
up properly, try this;
In the Analysis menu, Extended parameters section, set the coarse search
step to 20 or 25 from the default setting of 5 or 10. Maybe then the
software will pick up the peak.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Richard Crombie [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
>Sent: Thursday, January 29, 1998 3:35 PM
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: 66 SO2 WOES (fwd)
>Hello, folks,
>I run a Carlo Erba NA1500-Optima with both DI and continuous flow.
>It was set up to run C and N isotopes only, and I am
>attempting to obtain 34S from 66SO2. I have made all the
>physical upgrades for this, and am running conflow, using the
>DI ref system as my source of SO2 ref gas.
>I have run samples against my ref gas(set at 0.00 per mille
>for now) and have good traces, but the computer does not
>calculate them. The print out for isotopic calculations reads
>"no peak", and "0.00" for its calculation of delta and atom%
>values. Also Std Dev of fit is "N/A".
>I THINK it is a software problem. The software is EA 1.4.
>Any words of advice from seasoned users?