Sat, 22 Oct 2005 11:49:12 +0000
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Dear Alexandre,
I hope you won't mind "answering" your questions with more questions?
(1) Where does your cattle live and where does their feed and water come
from? (2) What kind of 2H labelled Phe do you intend to use, e.g. ring-D5
or chain-D2 and at what level of enrichment? (3) How are you planning to
analyse your 2H-labelled Phe, IRMS or MS?
A bientot,
On Oct 21 2005, Alexandre Myre wrote:
> > Hi everyone,>> we are considering a tracer experiment on steers and
> > cows using some 2H-> labelled phenylalanine tracer for muscle protein
> > and plasma samples.>> I would like to know what type of isotopic
> > signature I can expect from> background values... I would also be
> > interested in amino acid 2H values> from other animals or human if
> > someone have some...>> Many thanks !>> Alexandre Myre> Professionnel de
> > recherche> Departement des sciences animales> Universite Laval> Tel.
> > 418-656-2131 ext. 11411> Fax. 418-656-3766> Pavillon Paul-Comtois>
> > Universite Laval> G1K 7P4> Ste-FOy, Quebec, Canada