Thu, 16 Sep 1999 14:15:22 -0700
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>Do any of you have experience with the use of stable chlorine isotopes to
>look at fate and transport of chlorinated solvents in groundwater (PCE, TCE,
>TCA, etc.)? Any references available for this application?
>Thanks and Cheers!
>Julie K. Sueker, Ph.D., P.E.
Dear Julie, and others that may be interested,
A couple of essential references in this research area are:
van Warmerdam et al. (1995) Stable chlorine and carbon isotope measurements
of selected chlorinated organic solvents. Appl. Geochem, 10: 547-552
Sturchio et al. (1998) Chlorine isotope investigation of natural
attenuation of trichloroethene in an aerobic aquifer. Environ. Sci. Tech.,
32: 3037-3042
Something else that you will want to keep an eye out for in the near future
is a special issue of Organic Geochemistry edited by Barbara
Sherwood-Lollar and Jun Abrajano concerning application of stable isotope
analysis to contaminant geochemistry, which will contain the following
papers (and probably others of interest):
Huang et al. Carbon and chlorine isotope fractionation of chlorinated
aliphatic hydrocarbons by evaporation
Heraty et al. Isotopic fractionation of carbon and chlorine by microbial
degradation of dichloromethane
Lastly, I've compiled other references that may be of use, in a recent
Poulson and Drever (1999) Stable isotope (C, Cl and H) fractionation during
vaporization of trichloroethylene. This has been Web-published in Environ.
Sci. Tech. (and is available on the ACS publication web site), but I'm not
sure when this will be hard-copy published.
Simon R. Poulson
Dept. of Geological Sciences MS-172
University of Nevada-Reno
Reno, NV 89557-0138
Phone: (775) 784-1104
Fax: (775) 784-1833
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