Hi Ewerton,
Welcome to the wacky world of EA maintenance! You'll experience this and
more as you learn the ropes.
Cracked glass (often in the EA itself), leaky fittings, spent O-rings;
twisted connectors; dead GC columns, you name it. It will happen.
Keep a log of what you've analyzed--number of samples and type. You'll get
a sense of which ones are problems (filters and rocks) and which are easy
(animal tissues and standards).
Isogeochem archives are a good place to refer to.
Have fun.
Marilyn L. Fogel
Distinguished Emerita Professor of Geoecology
Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences
University of California Riverside
Riverside, CA, USA
On Tue, Jun 8, 2021 at 3:51 PM Santos, Ewerton <[log in to unmask]>
> Dear all,
> I was removing the reactor from the Smart EA when I realized that it was
> cracked (copper oxide and copper electrolyte). After removing it I put it
> on the fume hood, and instantly after put it on the reactor cracked in
> almost the middle. Unfortunately, I do not have a photo of the crack to
> show. I am worried if I made the process incorrectly or if it is a problem
> that someone had experienced.
> Note: Before removing the reactor, I had reduced the temperature slowly
> (100 by 100 degrees celsius, until reach 60C). After cooling it, I had
> removed the top screw (autosampler) after that, I had removed the bottom
> screw. This reactor has only a few months of usage.
> If someone had seen something like that, could you please share the
> experience with me, and consequently with us. I would not like do the same
> mistake again.
> Thank you in advance,
> Ewerton Santos
> Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences
> Brown University
> 324 Brook Street
> Providence, Rhode Island 02912
> U.S.A.