Stable Isotope Geochemistry


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pier de groot <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Stable Isotope Geochemistry <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 25 Jun 1998 13:57:13 +0200
text/plain (146 lines)
Dear listsubscribers,

My friend Ruud Weijermars (structural geologist) asked me if I new a
list to post this message about a very attractive book offer.

For those who dislike this type of messages: Sorry, and delete it
immediately. To the others: Many of us complain about high book prices
by the well-known publishers. This is a group including geologists who
try to publish at more agreable prices. from their experience it is
clear people like to buy the expensive books rather than the cheap. Has
this to do with the misunderstanding: the higher the price, the higher
the quality of the book???? Here is an opportunity to get cheap books
and to support some people who try to break the monopoly of the
expensive publishers...
Original message:

Alboran Science Publishing tells me that prices for my two recent
textbooks will be substantially raised after July 15. The reason is that
mailing costs of these books are presently subsidized by King Fahd
This subsidy will disappear upon my (Ruud Weijermars') departure next
month. So this is the last opportunity to benefit from Alboran's special
offer of about 50-60% discount on the regular price (books plus

The following titles can still be sent to you for an all inclusive price
of US$50 (only if you order a minimum of two books at the same time, due
to postal fee ramifications), and only if you order before July 15. This
is a real discount of a hefty 50-60% on the regular list price plus
mailing expenses.

   8.5"x11", 378 pages, over 200 exercises, 350 illustrations, by R.
   Weijermars. Reg. price USD 32.95, excl. of Postage and Handling.
   ISBN 90-5674-001-6

   8.5"x11", 360 pages, 192 exercises, over 300 illustrations, by R.
   Weijermars.  Reg. price  USD 36.95, excl. of Postage and Handling.
   ISBN 90-5674-002-4

These user-friendly textbooks are suitable as refresher courses for
professional geoscientists, but are also tailored to cover university
courses of one semester's duration. The material of these books has been
reviewed by 26 scientists of experience and stature. Reviews are due to
be published soon in Journal of Structural Geology, but alas not in time
for you to postpone this special offer (July 15 deadline for special
offer is firm). However, some reader's comments received are listed at
the end of this message for your perusal.

You may order by e-mail ([log in to unmask]), by fax (+31 20 3640 145),
or by mail (P.O. Box 76321, 1070 EH Amsterdam, the Netherlands). Mail
orders to individuals must be prepaid before shipment. Alboran accepts
major credit cards and checks. In case of payment by check, please add
US$ 10 for bank charges. Organizations that send an authorized purchase
order can be invoiced. For further instructions, please call Mr. J.
Outhuis, tel +31 20 3640331.

If you think this offer is a good one, please feel free to forward it to
other relevant mailing lists you know of so that everybody can benefit
from this wholesale discount before July 15, 1998.

Alboran Science Publishing/AMG
Endorsements by reviewers and readers

ISBN 90-5674-001-6 and ISBN 90-5674-002-4 have been distributed globally
in over thirty six countries. Orders have been placed by major
universities the world over, including USA, Canada, UK, Holland, Spain,
France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Japan, Australia, Malaysia, Taiwan,
Mexico, South Korea, South Africa, Greece, Lebanon, Abu Dhabi, Jamaica,
Fiji, Trinidad, Bulgaria, India etc.

Some quotes received from reviewers and readers:

= On "Structural Geology and Map Interpretation" (ISBN 90-5674-001-6):

"Profusely illustrated and written in a lively style, this book promises
to engage any student of introductory geology" - Martin Jackson, Bureau
of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin.

"This textbook fits perfectly to its goal. The author did a marvellous
and heavy job. He has my admiration." - Jean-Luc Bouchez, Universite
Paul Sabatier, Toulouse.

"I wished I had such a reference years ago.... I already recommended the
book to my company." - M.F. Havas, Abu Dhabi National Oil Company.

"This book emphasizes the importance of structural geology for map
interpretation and helps students understand 3-dimensional complex
phases of rock units in the subsurface." - B. Grasemann, University of

"Useful review of problems in field geology." - J. Aber, Emporia State
University, Kansas.

"This book constitutes a good interpretation of basic principles with
practical exercises; it is designed for the first courses of Geology." -
L. Vezzani, University of Torino, Italy.

= On "Principles of Rock Mechanics" (ISBN 90-5674-002-4):

"I recommend this book as a valuable text on the subject as it is well
researched, well written and has obviously been developed through the
experience of teaching the material." - N.M. Lemon, University of

"Texts of this kind are urgently needed by our students if we want them
to avoid errors caused by mathematical mistakes...The author comes close
to succeeding in this admirable goal."- G. Oertel, University of

"This excellent book links easy to follow mathematical approach with
many practical and useful field examples. It will help students to
understand the background of many modern papers in structural geology."
- B. Grasemann, University of Vienna.

"It is an excellent book from a first class scientist." - D. Sokoutis,
University of Uppsala.

"...a must for all institutional and company libraries." - Moujahed
Husseini, Gulf PetroLink.

"... excellent references to consult anytime, and are important either
for junior or experienced geoscientists. Simple theoretical aspects and
real examples/theoretical examples help me quickly understand the
contents of the books" - Suta Vijaya, Unocal Indonesia.

Pier de Groot (Hope nobody like to kill me for this ad)
Dr. P.A. de Groot
University of the Witwatersrand
Economic Geology Research Unit
Department of Geology
Private Bag 3
2050 Johannesburg
South Africa
Tel.    +27 11 7162564
Fax.    +27 11 3391697
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