As the fall AGU abstract deadline looms on September 6, please
consider the following session:
V17: Weathering Processes Across Natural Landscape Gradients:
New Isotopic and Geochemical Approaches
Invited speakers:
Bernard Bourdon, ETH Zurich
Oliver Chadwick, University of California, Santa Barbara
James Kirchner, University of California, Berkeley
Jason Neff, University of Colorado, Boulder
Kate Maher
US Geological Survey
345 Middlefield Rd MS 73
Menlo Park, CA, USA 94301
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Stephanie Ewing
U.C. Berkeley, Center for Isotope Geochemistry
Department of Earth & Planetary Science
301 McCone Hall
Berkeley, CA, USA 94704
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Natural environmental gradients can provide critical insights
regarding physical and chemical weathering processes. These processes
are often revealed by examining isotopic and geochemical trends at
related sites that vary in climate, landform age, erosion rates,
atmospheric deposition, or hydrologic regime (e.g. permafrost thaw or
clay accumulation). We invite contributions that focus on new
categories of environmental gradients, and contributions that
highlight new isotopic approaches (stable, cosmogenic or radiogenic)
to advance our understanding of the physical, geochemical and
biogeochemical evolution of landscapes across different types of
natural gradients.
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology