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Date: | Mon, 11 Feb 2008 15:26:10 +0100 |
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Dear all,
We are trying to find spare parts for the valves THERMO uses on its IRMS spectrometers (Delta S, MAT252, MAT253, ...) and other devices (e.g. Kiel Device). It is a sery of lightly rounded metal rings (called plate or cup springs 20*10.2*0.4) placed inside the valve which seals it tightly. Thermo informed us that they don't sell them anymore. We only have 6 of the necessary 8 left (needed to form the complete set).
We would be very grateful if anyone had any idea of where to get them.
You can directly email to Christine Flehoc at the following address: [log in to unmask]
Best regards
Dr D. Widory
3 avenue Claude Guillemin
BP 36009
45060 Orléans Cedex 2
e-mail : [log in to unmask]
Tel. : (0)2 38 64 47 72
Fax : (0)2 38 64 37 11
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