Mon, 24 Feb 97 10:56:03 EST
Thanks for the info. Ouch!! I gues I will not be growing bacteria on
enriched NaSO4 afterall.
>To: ISOGEO1 --INTERNET [log in to unmask]
>*** Reply to note of 02/18/97 21:04
>Re: 34S-enriched sulphide &sulphate
>The only supplier that I know of is Icon Services Inc., 19 Ox Bow Lane, Summit
>NJ 07901, USA. (Phone: 800-322-4266, email: [log in to unmask]) I hope you don't
>need much, because it is extremely expensive: they quoted me a price of
>$45,000 for 300 g of Na2SO4 enriched to 10 atom % 34S.
>Paul Sanborn
>Research Pedologist
>Prince George Forest Region 565-6100
T.C. Onstott, Dept. of Geosciences
Guyot Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544 USA
ph: (609) 258-6898 fax: (609) 258-1274
[log in to unmask]