Tue, 18 Jul 2000 08:54:15 +0100
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Dear Patrick
You can run the samples on my Optima if you want to. I use the Optima for
my doubly labeled water samples (2-H and 18-O) . We don't have that many
samples at the moment (bloody holidays as you call it). It is not to far
from Liege so you can bring them over.
I think it is best to bring your own standards. You can contact me by
E-mail or phone.
Loek Wouters
Maastricht University
Dept. of Human Biology
Universiteitssingel 50
6229 ER Maastricht
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31 43 3881622
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>Dear IRMSers,
>Due to a serious vacuum problem with my Optima (turbo crashed) which
>occurred this week-end, and to the delay for having spare parts (bloody
>holidays), I'm a bit disappointed.
>I have 4 (four) water samples to be analyzed urgently with respect to delta
>D and delta O18. I'm searching for a lab where they could be performed (if
>possible not too far from Belgium).
>Thanks for your help.
>Patrick DAUBY
>Universite de Liege
>Laboratoire d'Oceanologie
>Unite de Recherche en Biogeochimie des Isotopes Stables (URBIS)
>B6 Sart Tilman
>B-4000 Liege, Belgium
>Phone: +32.4.3663322 - 3663307
>Fax: +32.4.3663325
>Beep: 0454.700.671 (inside Benelux only)