Stable Isotope Geochemistry


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Anastasia G Yanchilina <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 8 Oct 2020 19:57:47 -0400
text/plain (11 lines)
Dear Isogeochem,

Looking for 2-3 extra conveners to submit a proposal for a session specifically focusing on preservation of original environmental parameters to Goldschmidt 2020. 

The specific focus would be ... what kind of geological environments preserve the information the best? And their susceptability to diagenesis. Is it carbonate? Is it silica? Is it something else and if so, what makes it better? What other geological systems that will preserve ancient information? How much can we trust ancient records? I also would love to bring in records from meteorites, etc. This is specific to astrobiology but also just understanding the evolution of our own planet. 

Open call! The deadline is soon and would be really happy if anyone is willing to help/ contribute / co-convene.  Think this could be a really cool session!
