Thu, 9 Nov 2006 12:48:02 -0500
We asked our Environmental Safety people for a recommendation when we were
planning on using Carbon Monoxide and they provided us with a Nighthawk
model KN-COPP-3. It works on 110 vac with battery backup.
Richard A. Berger
Washington University Medical School
On Thu, 9 Nov 2006 12:15:56 -0500, Jay Brandes <[log in to unmask]>
>Dear Isogeochemers- I was wondering if there has been any new advice on
>what kind of CO monitor to buy for a IRMS lab? Looking back it seems
>like the advice was to go for an expensive unit that requires periodic
>calibration. Is this thought to still be the case or can one get by
>with the cheaper units, and if so (or if not) what units are people
>happy with after having used them?
>Thanks in advance-Jay Brandes, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography