Stable Isotope Geochemistry


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Greg Michalski <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 21 Jul 2005 12:15:55 -0700
text/plain (40 lines)
Cheer up Bobby, I purchased the whole lot for those very reasons.  I have
no use for the VG spare parts, so if anyone has  the need let me know
and  I will accommodate...

At 11:32 AM 7/21/2005 -0400, you wrote:
>I apologize for this posting, but a recent posting, not unlike some
>previous postings regarding excess or equipment for sale disturbs me as
>I would hope that it might disturb others!
>I dare say that the majority of us work with grant money or other
>educationally motivated funding which is intended to benefit us all.
>Consequently, when I see postings, "advertising on ISOGEOCHEM,"
>equipment for sale, and if it isn't sold it is "...going into the
>dumpster..." parked in the driveway--well, I'm just sad.  Sad for the
>publication of poor logic, sad for the threat of blatant waste of
>equipment that might server a useful purpose....just sad!
>Surely, on this site, and in our professional associations, we have
>become aware of another worthy individual or institution which could
>Again, my apology!
>Bobby W. Crissman
>SEEP/NCBA Contractor
>Stable Isotope Lab
>Pulmonary Toxicology Branch - MD 143/02
>Research Triangle Park, NC  27711
>919 541 3959, 919 541 5621 (Lab)
>[log in to unmask]

Greg Michalski
Stable Isotope Lab, 5108 Urey Hall
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Dr.
La Jolla, Ca. 92093-0356