Stable Isotope Geochemistry


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Stable Isotope Geochemistry <[log in to unmask]>
Jesper Nielsen <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 22 Jul 2005 17:01:23 -0700
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Stable Isotope Geochemistry <[log in to unmask]>
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ZymaX Forensics is an environmental forensics consulting and testing lab in
San Luis Obispo, California.


We need a Director/Manager for our Stable Isotope Laboratory who has the
experience necessary to supervise the department and operate our GV Isoprime
IRMS Mass Spec and Vacuum Line Preparations. An MS or PhD in geology,
analytical chemistry or related fields is required. The Position refers to
The Director of Environmental Forensics Dr. Shan-Tan Lu. The start date is
as soon as possible.


The isotope lab performs stable isotope ratio analysis of Hydrogen, Carbon,
Oxygen, Nitrogen and Sulfur in water, organics (petroleum), minerals and
gases as well as vacuum line prep for Carbon 14 Analysis.


The business consists of 3 departments:

1. Environmental Forensics Consulting and Customer Service (1 PhD+ 1 Adm.

2. Petroleum Geochemistry Lab (1 PhD + 1 Lab Tech)

3. Stable Isotope Lab (1 PhD + 1 Lab Tech)


Management of the department includes:

Talk to customers about the lab's capabilities

Schedule instruments/vacuum-lines and Lab Tech(s)

Operate the GV Isoprime and the Vacuum-Lines

Process and review data

Ensure proper QA/QC

Sign certificates of Analysis

Development of new methods (Compound specific isotope ratios)

Repair and maintain the equipment

Purchasing of standards, reagents and spare parts


The lab has a Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometer with the following prep

*       GV Instruments IsoPrime Mass Spec used in continuous flow mode (dual
inlet capable)
*       H/D Collector
*       Sulfur Isotope configuration Kit
*       Hydrogen Pyrolysis configuration Kit
*       Hydrogen Solid Sample Configuration Kit
*       EuroVector 3028/HT dual Furnace Elemental Analyzer with High
temperature Oven
*       EuroVector 110-Position Liquid Autosampler (Water) for Hydrogen and
Oxygen Analysis
*       Tekmar LSC 2000 Purge and Trap for MTBE and Chlorinated Solvents in
*       Agilent Model 6890 Gas Chromatograph with Model G1562A Flame
Ionization Detector (FID) and Model G1560A Split/Splitless 150 psi inlet
with EPC
*       GC-C Interface with pressure regulators for on-line measurement of
delta 13C in mixtures separated by the Agilent GC
*       Oxidation Furnace and Controller with Nafion Dryer
*       Dual Reference Gas Injector Box for reference gas calibration and
*       EuroVector MassLynx Windows NT Software latest edition
*       IBM PC with HP LaserJet 2200D and 21" IBM Monitor


To see the type of analysis we run please download the Isotope Lab Brochure:


For more information on the Stable Isotope Lab please see our web site: <> 


To put the Isotope Lab in context and get an idea of who you will be working
with please see the ZymaX Forensics web site: <> 

Please go through the "Forensics Primer". It explains our petroleum
geochemistry work in detail.


Download the Environmental Forensics Service Schedule. It tells what
petroleum geochemistry tests we perform:


For general info see (Legal paper four-fold)



Applicants must send a letter of interest and their resume (preferably by
email) to Dr. Jesper Nielsen ([log in to unmask]) detailing their prior
experience with IRMS and vacuum line work as well as their experience and/or
interest in developing compound specific analytical methods for chlorinated
solvents, MTBE, perchlorate and organic compounds in petroleum derived


Dr Jesper Nielsen

ZymaX Forensics, Inc

71 Zaca Lane

San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-7300

805-544-4696 extension 103

Email: [log in to unmask]