To all people taking care of an IRMS (& its peripherals): the technicians, lab managers, students and profs (and manufacturers ah ah).
As the restrictions for COVID-19 are slowly being lifted, we can start planning for the ASITA 2022 Conference (Advances in Stable Isotope Techniques & Applications) to be held in Montreal, Canada next spring/summer. For those new to this world, ASITA is uniquely more of a technical conference than a purely science one. Jean-François will post more details for 2022 later this year. In the end, it will have been 2 years between conferences. I think we all missed this fun and interesting event!
We have one year now to prepare; I urge you to give a talk, especially if you have not given one yet (time to dive in!) . As you know, we are a rather easy going crowd - we have not lapidated anyone yet. Any topic will do, mainly on the nuts and bolts of anything regarding the IRMS world (from a new experiment failure or success, to an interesting procedure ...). And I promise to NOT to go over my time limit :).
This will be the 26th ASITA conference, which was previously known as the Canadian Continuous Flow IRMS Workshop. This workshop was the brainchild of Nik Binder (Isomass; Peter Stow is now president) who supported it and shocked the community by inviting all the manufacturers to join, which they did. The unusual format was an instant success. This year is Isomass' 40th Anniversary! For more about its history see This goes to show just how significantly someone can influence and help support the research in a scientific field; congratulations Isomass!
For all people new to our field, we will be resuming the Short Courses at the University of Ottawa on IRMS & peripherals (EA, GC, Carbonates..., etc.) in late November 2021; please contact Kerry ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) for more details.
See you all in Montreal,
Paul Middlestead
Lab Manager - Jan Veizer Laboratory (formally G.G. Hatch)
University of Ottawa
Earth and Environmental Sciences Department
Advance Research Complex
25 Templeton st., Room 426
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1N6N5
Tel : my office 613-562-5800 x6839
Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Lab tel : 613-562-5800 x6836
Lab Website :<>
Lab email : [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
From: Stable Isotope Geochemistry <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Hélie, Jean-François
Sent: 16 février 2021 14:14
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [ISOGEOCHEM] ASITA 2021 & 2022
Attention : courriel externe | external email
Dear fellow Isogeochemers,
As you may recall, we had to cancel the ASITA (Advances in Stable Isotopes Techniques and Applications) meeting that was going to be held in Montreal last spring. I regret to inform you that, because of the ongoing uncertainty regarding the @!%?& pandemic, we have decided to cancel this year's event as well. We have juggled with the idea of hosting a virtual event but after deliberation with the usual suspects, we have decided not to take that route. Let's cross our fingers and hope that we can finally host the event in Montreal in the Spring of 2022. Stay tuned for the exact date and a website to register soon.
Stay safe and I hope to see your smiles (without the mask!) in Montreal in 2022.
Jean-François Hélie, PhD
Centre de recherche Geotop
Département des sciences de la Terre et de l'atmosphère
Université du Québec à Montréal
Bureau/Office: +1 514-987-3000 #2413
Cell: +1 514-916-6086
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ORCID ID : 0000-0002-0994-5620<>