Dear Isotopists,
Please find below the 3rd circular of the Isotope Workshop III
containing a tentaive program. The program has changed a little
during the last days, some people cancelled their registration, but it
is still informative. Late registrations are still wellcome, posters are
preferred, but talks are also possible. Only the abstract volume is
finished, thus can't be supplemented.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Attila Demeny
Third Circular
Isotope Workshop III
Budapest, Hungary
24th to 28th of June, 1996.
Isotope Workshop III will be an international meeting organized
by the International Isotope Society (established in Poland in 1992)
and the Laboratory for Geochemical Research of the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences. The aim of the meeting is to provide a forum
for a wide spectrum of isotope research, as well as a possibility to
discuss recent research activities of members of the International
Isotope Society and non-member participants from all over the
Organizing committee:
Chairman: Attila Demény
Secretary/treasurer: István Fórizs
Address: Laboratory for Geochemical Research, Hungarian
Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Budaörsi út 45., H-1112,
tel/fax: 36-1-185-1781 (it will change to -36-1-319-3145)
e-mail addresses: [log in to unmask] or
[log in to unmask]
The meeting will be held at the Laboratory of Geochemical
Research. This institute employs 30 people, among them 15
researchers. The research topics cover the whole range of
geochemistry from mantle-derived rocks to environmental
problems. A stable isotope laboratory is also established here. The
institute has several meeting rooms, among them a large one with
more than 100 seats. Budapest is the capital of Hungary, providing
a wide range of amusement. One can enjoy the historic atmosphere
of the medieval castle, glittering shopping streets, museums,
restaurants of all classes, as well as the sight of hills beside River
Danube with bridges illuminated by strings of lamps.
Registration fee
The registration fee of Isotope Workshop III is 200 USD, which
covers one copy of the Abstract volume (Supplement of Acta
Geologica Hungarica), dinners and refreshments during the
Workshop, banquet, presentation and organization costs. The
registration fee for members of the International Isotope Society is
reduced to 180 USD. Students' fee is 120 USD.
Payments can be made by check, bank transfer, or in cash.
Although the registration fee can be paid personally at the
registration desk, the participants are kindly requested to send their
fee in advance (in May) in order to help organizing. Checks should
be payable to the "Res. Labs for Nat. Sci. of the Hung. Acad. of
Sci." with a notice "Isotope Workshop III". By bank transfer the
registration fee can be sent to the Hungarian National Bank
(Budapest, Szabadság tér 8-9., H-1054) account number MNB
10032000-01717376 also with the notice "Isotope Workshop III".
Due to the financial support provided recently by the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences and by the Laborexport Ltd., participants
from developing countries can apply for supporting their
registration. Because of the shortage of time, those who whish to
apply should send their application in due course either by fax or
e-mail. The application should include a statement that the
applicant can cover other expenses from independent sources.
Those applicants who can cover a part of the registration fee will
have priority.
Hotels and dormitories are within walking distance from the venue
of the Workshop. Lodging will be provided for the participants in:
- dormitory room with 2 beds with bathroom. Cost: cc. 10
- hotel, double room. Cost: cc. 70 USD/night,
- ****hotel single room. Cost: cc. 150 USD/night.
with the exact date and time of your arrival and departure!!!
POSTER SIZE: width: 1 meter height: 1.2 meter !!!!
Meeting of the International Isotope Society
The IIS was established in 1992 in Lublin, Poland, during Isotope
Workshop I. Since that time the Society has grown to have
members from 11 countries, mainly of Central Europe, but
researchers outside Europe have also registered.
The aim of the meeting is to discuss the activity of the IIS in the
period of 1994-1996 and the future of the Society. Every
participant is kindly invited to take part in this meeting and to
become a member of this not only scientific, but friendly Society.
Decision on next meetings will also be made after hearing of the
conditions at the proposed places. All who are interested in
organizing Isotope Workshop IV should prepare for a presentation
of their institute and plans, and should inform the organizers of the
present meeting in advance in order to include their proposal in the
workshop's program.
Non-scientific program
The organizers offer the possibility of sightseeing of Budapest by
bus. The estimated cost will be cc. 20 USD/person. Anyone
interested in this program is asked to indicate her/his intention on
the response form.
Tentative program (based on the abstracts received)
In the followings a tentative program of the workshop is given.
However, those who would like to change their presentation
schedule should contact the organizers immediately. Due to the
informal character of the workshop, further poster presentations can
be accepted. Those who have not registered but would like to take
part, should send the attached registration form at their earliest
Monday, morning. Registration.
Demény, A. and Fórizs, I.
Opening address
Jędrysek, M.O.
The memory of the late M. Pazdur
Cornides, I., Gál, T., Kecskés, Á. and Morvay, L.
Isotopes and the development of science
Monday, afternoon. Isotopes and the human environment
Jerzy, M.
Isotopic composition of atmospheric methane in Kraków
Zimnoch, M.
Determination of the anthropogenic influences of CO2 in Kraków
Horvatinčić, N., Krajcar Bronić, I., Obelić, B. and Bistrović R.
Long-time atmospheric tritium record in Croatia
Taubald, H. and Satir, M.
Analyses of d13C-ratios from inorganic and organic carbon in clay
liners for waste disposals
Trembaczowski, A., Sołtyk, W. and Hałas, S.
Application of isotopic analyses to study the influence of
exploitation of brown coal on the pollution of groundwater
Tuesday, morning. Recent technical developments
Sharp, Z.D.
Recent technical achivements in stable isotope ratio determinations
Balogh, Kad., Konečný, V, Orlický, O., Lexa, J., Vass, D.
Method,experiences and results of K-Ar dating of alkali basalt
volcanism in central and southern Slovakia ( West Carpatians )
Durakiewicz, T.
Some developments in the Ar extraction and purification UHV line
Kecskés, Á., Hegedűs, E. and Nagy, M.
A laboratory experiment to demonstrate the change of the carbon
isotope ratio of deep-seated carbon dioxide while ascending to the
crust's surface
Oeßelmann, J., Hilkert, A. and Brand, W.A.
IRM-GC/MS used for gas applications
Szaran, J. and Niezgoda, H.
Acid fractionations of 18O and 13C in CO2 preparation from
dolomite-calcite mixture
Tuesday, afternoon. Recent technical developments
Axente, D., Abrudean, M. and Bâldea, A.
Nitrogen isotope exchange between nitric oxide and nitric acid
Chiriac. M. and Palibroda, M.
Synthesis of [1,3,7-15N3, 8-13C] xanthyne
Paleoclimatology and isotope hydrology.
Vaikmäe, R.
Palaeowaters as archives of former climatic conditions
Rozanski, K. and Stute, M.
Fluctuations of d18O and d2H of the global ocean during
Deseő, É., Deák, J., Revesz, K., Bohlke, J.K. and Stute, M.
Groundwater Origin and Dating Studies in Szigetköz
Stichler, W., Weise, St., Bertleff, B. and Watzel R.
Deep aquifer systems in the South-West German Molasse Basin
Ţenu, A. and Davidescu, F.
Some considerations about radiocarbon method in carbonate
fissured aquifers
Wednesday, morning. Paleoenvironmental indicators.
Longinelli, A.
Paleoenvironmental indicators: A review
Hámor, T. and Hertelendi, E.
S, O, C isotopic signatures of the late Miocene Pannonian lake
Jędrysek, M.O., Skrzypek, G., Wada, E., Hałas, S., Pazdur, A.
and Vijarnsorn, P.
d13C and d34S in peat profiles as a possible record of global
Lécuyer, C., Grandjean, P. and Emig, C. C.
Determination of oxygen isotope fractionation between water and
phosphate from living lingulides: potential application to
palaeoenvironmental studies
Pazdur, A.
Paleoenvironmental isotope record in the freshwater carbonate
Santos, R.V., Alvarenga, C.J.S., Dardenne, M.A., Sial, A.N. and
Ferreira, V.P.
Carbon and oxygen isotopes in Neoproterozoic limestones: The
Bambuí group - Central Brazil
Stephan, E. and Satir, M.
Stable oxygen isotopes in mammal bones from archaeological sites
in Middle and West Europe reflecting climate changes during the
Last Glacial and the Holocene
Vető, I. and Hertelendi., E.
Sulphur isotope ratios in the laminated Tard Clay (lower Oligocene
of Hungary) reflect a salinity cycle
Wednesday, afternoon. Isotope geochemistry of sediments.
Horvatinčić, N., Bistrović R. and Obelić, B.
Radiocarbon and uranium-series dating of travertine
Lojen, S., Ogrinc, N., Dolenec, T. and Pezdič, J.
A stable isotope study of recent lacustrine sediments (Lake Bled,
Ogrinc, N., Lojen, S., Pezdič, J. and Faganeli, J.
Carbonate equilibrium in different environments - A stable isotope
Král, J., Baráth, I., Fordinál, K. and Zielinski, G.
87Sr/86Sr in some mollusc shells from the Central Paratethian
Tertiary sediments
Michalko, J., Malik, P.
Is a part of crystalline core of the Vežka Fatra Mts. thrusted over
Mesozoic carbonate rocks? Results of a stable isotope study
Meeting of the International Isotope Society
Thursday, morning. High temperature geological processes
Magmatic rocks
Demény, A. and Ahijado, A.
A stable isotope study on the evolution of Canary Island
Gawęda, A.
Origin and Rb-Sr isotope age of pegmatites from the Western Tatra
Mts. - a revised geochemical study
Sial, A.N., Long, L.E. and Ferreira, V.P.
O, H, S and Sr isotopes in two Brasiliano-age granitic intrusions,
state of Ceara, NE Brazil
Metamorphic rocks
Demény, A., Sharp, Z.D., Pfeifer, H.-R.
Investigations on the role of Mg-metasomatism and metamorphic
conditions during the formation of
Mg-chlorite-muscovite-quartz-phyllites (" leucophyllites" ) of lower
austroalpine nappes of the Eastern Alps ( W. Hungary ) and Alpine
Palinka, A. L., Balogh, K., Bermanec, V., Zebec, V. S. and
Svingor, É.
On use of hyalophane for K-Ar dating in the Central Bosnian
Schists Mts.
Vennemann, T.W.
Garnet growth in a limestone-diabase sill contact zone: A stable
isotope perspective
Krasnozhyna, Z.V., Zagnitko, V.N. and Demihov, Yu.N.
Geochemical and stable isotope evidence for the evolution of
ore-forming fluids in South Pamir
Migaszewski, Z.M., Hałas, S., Durakiewicz, T.
Petrographic and isotopic investigations of calcites from the Holy
Cross Mts., Poland
Thursday, afternoon. Isotope geochemistry of sediments.
Hałas, S., Wójtowicz, A. and Peryt, T.M.
K/Ar dates of some Miocene potash salts from Carpathian
Hámor-Vidó, M. and Hertelendi, E.
The effects of early diagenesis on organic stable carbon isotope
ratio changes and maceral composition of Miocene lignites in
Jędrysek, M.O., Wada, E., Hałas, S. and Vijarnsorn, P.
Possible variations in the mechanisms of methanogenesis in various
tropical freshwater sediments
Friday, morning. Paleoclimatology and isotope hydrology.
Balderer, W., Synal, A., Deák, J., Stichler, W.
Application of Chlorine-36 in Studies of Deep Groundwaters in
Geothermal Areas in Western Turkey and the Great Hungarian
Fórizs, I., Deák, J.
Origin of bank filtered groundwater resources covering the drinking
water demand of Budapest, Hungary
Grasby, S.E., Hutcheon, I. and Krouse, H.R.
Seasonal variation in the Oxygen and Hydrogen isotope
composition of an inland prairie river, Bow River, southern
Alberta, Canada
Cserny, T., Hertelendi, E. and Tarján, S.
Environmental isotope study of Lake Balaton
Hertelendi, E., Svingor, É., Rank, D. and Futó, I.
The origin of the water in Lake of Vrana
Friday, afternoon. Isotope geochemistry of sediments.
Carannante, G., Hertelendi, E., Mindszenty, A., Simone, L.
Paleohydrological features at a regional unconformity.
Sedimentological observations supported by stable isotope
analyses examples from the Cretaceous of Campania ( S.
Apennines )
Ferreira, V.P., Sial., A.N. and Menor, E.A.
Carbon and oxygen isotopes in offshore and continental Mesozoic
and Tertiary limestones, NE Brazil: the K-T boundary and Tertiary
climatic variations
Kaljo, D., Kiipli, T. and Martma, T.
Summary of the first carbon isotope studies in the East Baltic
Bâldea, A., Abrudean, M., Axente, D. and Dronca, S.
Synthesis of 15N labelled compounds
Berecz, T., Fórizs, I., Mádl-Szőnyi, J., Deák, J.
Isotope geochemical and pollution study of groundwaters in the
area between the Rivers Danube and Tisza
Dolenec, T., Pezdič, J. and Herlec, U.
Stable isotope study of the Adriatic Sea
Feurdean, V., Feurdean, L.
Deuterium concentration from waters of Danube Delta
Hertelendi, E. and Svingor, É.
Carbon and oxygen isotope ratios in carbonates deposited from hot
water emerged from a well Demjén No. 42
Jílek, P., Melková, J. and ilar, J.
Isotope ground-water investigation of a Cretaceous basin in the
Bohemian Massif
Krymsky, R.S., Belyatsky, B.V. and Levsky, L.K.
Genetic implications of Nd and Sr isotopic data to the wolframite
occurrences from Primorie (Far East, Russia)
Lécuyer, C. and Paris, F.
Carbon stable isotope compositions of palynomorphs: an aspect of
biodiversity through the Paleozoic
Lojen, S. and Pezdič, J.
Nitrogen stable isotope fractionation during mineralisation of
sedimentary organic matter
Maeika, J., Petroius, R.
Isotope-geochemical characteristic of groundwater in the South
Oeßelmann, J. and Brand, W.A.
New automatic techniques for D/H measurement from water and
organic material
Owczarczyk, A.
Localization and quantitative estimation of leakages in big water
reservoirs and dams
Ölmez, Ş., Yurt, F. and Ünak, P.
Isotope dilution analysis (IDA) technique for determination of
iodine in several water samples
Pawlyta, J., Pazdur, A. and Pawlyta, M.
First comparison of the gas proportional counters and liquid
scintillation spectrometry used in the Gwilice radiocarbon
Rakowski, A.Z., Pazdur, M.F., Pazdur, A. and Miller, B.F.
Anthropogenic changes of the isotopic composition of atmospheric
carbon in Upper Silesia
Tson, O. and Zahnitko, V.
Isotope geochemistry and genesis of carbonaceous rocks of
Ukrainian and baltic shields
Zagnitko, V.N.
Isotopic geochemistry of carbonatites and carbonatitoids of the
Ukrainian Shield
Zagnitko, V.N.
Isotope geochemical feature of gold-bearing deposits of Ukraine
Wierzchnicki, R. and Owczarczyk, A.
Radiotracer application for bedload movement study in rivers and
nearshore marine zone
Isotope Workshop III
Registration form
Telephone number.....................................................Fax
e-mail address.................................................................
Poster presentation
Please check with (X):
Accommodation dormitory room, with bathroom ( )
hotel, single room ( )
hotel, double room ( )
Date and approximate time of arrival
Mode of arrival (car, train, airplane, ...)
Date and approximate time of departure
Female ( ) Male ( )
Mode of payment of the registration fee:
Check in U.S. dollar ( ) Bank transfer ( ) Cash ( )
Sightseeing excursion ( )
Special demands