Fri, 13 Feb 1998 15:14:05 +0100
Postdoctoral research position in paleo-ocean chemistry
The faculty of Earth Sciences of the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam has a
vacancy for a postdoctoral researcher in paleo-ocean chemistry in the
Department of Petrology and Isotope Geology.
The Department of Petrology and Isotope Geology takes part in the teaching
programme of the faculty of Earth Sciences, carries out scientific research
and participates in the Netherlands Research School of Sedimentary Geology.
The faculty of Earth Sciences has at its disposal first-class facilities in
analytical chemistry, especially in the field of isotope geology.
Project outline
The candidate will measure lithium isotope ratios in the skeletons of marine
organisms over a range of ages. The study will tackle problems of
fractionation and diagenetic alteration in trying to construct a robust
history of lithium isotopic variation in the oceans.
Potential candidates must hold a PhD and have experience in chemical
paleo-oceanography. Familiarity with clean lab and mass-spectrometric
procedures would be advantageous.
The position is for a limited period of two years.
The salary will be according to the Dutch Civil Servants Code, with a
maximum of Dfl. 6201,- a month depending on age and experience (excluding
additional 8% holiday allowance).
Further information may be obtained from dr T.R. Elliott, e-mail:
[log in to unmask], telephone (31) 20 444 7326.
Applications with full curriculum vitae and the names of at least three
referees should be submitted within two weeks to Vrije Universiteit,
Faculteit der Aardwetenschappen, dr W.E. Renkema, De Boelelaan 1085,
1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Dr.Gerald Ganssen
Institute of Earth Sciences
Free University
De Boelelaan 1085
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
tel.: 31 20 4447369 (office)
31 20 4447308 (mass-spectrometer lab.)
31 653845009 (private)
fax: 31 20 6462457