Wed, 8 Mar 2017 18:09:49 -0700
Hello Chris,
I cant tell you much about analyzing stable water isotopes with a MultiFlow
or using Hokko beads since I use a CRDS system but I think an easy way of
testing the feasibility would be to run a standard just like you describe
and see if you get the right numbers.
The only thing I could think of that might interfere would be the isotopic
exchange effect of residual oxygen in the hydrogen gas you are using to
equilibrate. I doubt the interference would be that great but it could
change tank by tank if you don't get pure enough hydrogen. It might even
be something you can document and correct for if it is consistent enough.
Just my two cents. I hope everything works out well!
On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 5:53 PM, Christian Dietz <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> esteemed collective wisdom,
> using equilibrium technique (I have a MultiFlow), I wonder if it would be
> possible to determine D and 18O on the very same sample in two consecutive
> runs.
> Idea is loading around 200 microliters of sample + Hokko beads into the
> Labco vials and equilibrate with H2 mixture, after measurement leaving the
> samples (and catalyst) in the tray so they don't have to be opened,
> readjust tray temperature, swap gas mixture to CO2 and run the oxygen
> measurement.
> I can't really think a reason why it shouldn't work, but I may miss
> something.I tested the septa and they seem to hold for various punctures...
> cheers
> Chris
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> *University of Tasmania │CSL - Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry*
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Arizona State University
School of Earth and Space Exploration
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