Stable Isotope Geochemistry


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Joaquin Perona Moreno <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 15 Sep 2017 11:48:47 +0000
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Dear Howard,

I'm interested in CO2 gas with both d13C and d18O (PDB) between 0 and 5 per mil for use as a reference gas for carbonate analyses in a MAT 252 with a Kiel Device. We currently use a commercial CO2, quite negative (less than -30 in both d13C and d18O PDB). It causes some linearity issues, but we correct them and does not represent a big problem. But I know it would be better to use a reference gas with similar isotopic values than the samples. I have been considering the marble-H3PO4 option for years. We have a CO2 offline extraction line for microsamples, but we are not able to extract the amount of CO2 we need. This is why your message capture my attention. Could you give me some technical details about your method? It would be great to reproduce it here at our lab.

Thank you very much!



Joaquín Perona
Unitat de Medi Ambient - CCiTUB
Facultat de Geologia
Universitat de Barcelona
Martí i Franqués s/n
08028 Barcelona

Tel. (34) 934 021 424
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De: Stable Isotope Geochemistry [[log in to unmask]] en nom de Howard Spero [[log in to unmask]]
Enviat el: dimarts, 29 / agost / 2017 18:07
Per a: [log in to unmask]
Tema: Re: [ISOGEOCHEM] CO2 gas with d13c around 2 permill?

We routinely make our own reference gas by dissolving carrera marble in H3PO4 and collecting/purifying the CO2 through water traps.  It takes a few days but is much cheaper than purchasing gas.  Freeze the gas into a stainless steel cylinder that can be manufactured in any metal shop.


Howard J Spero
Distinguished Professor
Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences
One Shields Ave
University of California Davis
Davis CA 95616

Rm 3131 Earth and Physical Sciences Bldg.

[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Geology Stable Isotope Laboratory:


On Aug 29, 2017, at 05:00, Shane Crabtree <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:

We had Air Gas (part of Air Liquide) make us some +2 permil gas (13C) along with other gases.  It ended up being 1.8 permil but that works for us.
If you need contact information contact me direct.

We are in Nashville TN so I don’t know if they will ship it to you or not.

From: Stable Isotope Geochemistry [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Christian Dietz
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2017 2:19 AM
To: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Subject: [ISOGEOCHEM] CO2 gas with d13c around 2 permill?

hi all,
does anyone know of a CO2 gas supplier for CO2 with d13C around +2 permill?
At best here in Oz, but any information is very much appreciated.

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University of Tasmania │CSL - Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry

Dr. Christian Dietz, Facility Manager │Private Bag 74, Hobart, 7005 Tasmania

 • Tel: (+61) 3 6226 7820, cell phone: (+61) 4 9780 8570 │URL: Central Science Laboratory<>

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