Fri, 22 Oct 1999 08:31:12 -0400
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The Chemistry & the Internet (ChemInt'99) conference proceedinsg (slides
and materials from all speakers and oral presentations) is now available
on the ChemInt web site ( The same information
is also still available for the ChemInt'98 meeting. There is no cost to
access this material. The entire web site for both meetings is
also keyword searchable.
There will be a ChemInt2000 meeting, September 24-26, 2000 at Georgetown
University, Washington DC. A draft outline of the meeting and expected
topics, panel sessions, and markup language tutorial is now available on
the ChemInt web site.
Steve Heller, Guest Researcher
NIST/SRD, Mail Stop: 820/113
820 Diamond Avenue, Room 101
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-2310 USA
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