Wed, 10 May 2000 10:33:54 -0700
>Does anyone know of a supplier for small chunks of telfon (say about
>12x12x5 cm) in the states?
Hi Bill (and others who may be interested),
You might want to check with McMaster-Carr Supply Co. in Los Angeles
(562-692-5911, They sell Teflon in rectangular bars by
the foot, up to 2" thick and 4" wide.
As a general comment, I've found McMaster-Carr to be an excellent source
for all kinds of things - various types of tubing (metric and imperial
sizes), aluminium and steel rods, compressed air regulators and fittings,
etc. A highly recommended vendor.
Simon R. Poulson
Dept. of Geological Sciences, MS-172
University of Nevada-Reno
Reno, NV 89557-0138
Phone: (775) 784-1104
Fax: (775) 784-1833
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