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Thu, 26 Jan 2006 21:12:00 +0000
Hi Darren & all,
Not yesterday but Tues night UK time, 6.30pm.
Thankfully he was not in pain, and was surrounded by his family.
Mike Hall of the Godwin told me that the funeral will be a private family
affair, and in due course there will be a large memorial service. I will
pass that notice onto the list when I hear of the time and place.
A you say, an incredible man in so many ways, and great loss to all of us
in Cambridge and in the isotope community.
On Thu, 26 Jan 2006, Darren Grocke wrote:
> Dear All
> I've just received the sad news that Nick Shackleton passed away
> yesterday. One of the greats in oceanography and isotope geochemistry,
> and will be greatly missed by many.
> Yours sincerely
> Darren
Dr Tamsin O'Connell
McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
University of Cambridge
Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3ER, UK
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