Thanks. I'll try it!
So then the question is - How do I know what scripting option I am
using? I just create .shl files and run 'em.
And the quest for documentation remains. . .
Quoting Mike Austin <[log in to unmask]>:
> Curt Duncan Taylor wrote:
>> Here I am pulling my hair out because I can't find the proper suntax
>> to write an 'if' statement that says "if the file ~HOME\test.lis
>> exist, then delete it."
>> Where do I find documentation for the proper version of Unix
>> scripting that is being used on Girrafe at UVM?
> There are several shell options available on giraffe. What shell
> were you trying to use?
> If you use bash, syntax like:
> #!/bin/bash
> TESTFILE=$HOME/test.lis
> if [ -e $TESTFILE ]; then
> fi
> will do the job.
> mga.