September 1998


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"Mutsumi M. Corson" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
UVM Japan Program News and Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 5 Sep 1998 21:19:46 -0400
TEXT/PLAIN (39 lines)
Dear students and friends of the Japanese Language Program:

ogenki desuka? We had the first meeing of Japan House 95(one credit
Japanese Culture course offered this fall) last Wednesday. We had
approximately 10 participants including the four new Japanese exchange
students from Kansai Gaidai University. Each participant had great ideas
about the activities and events for this semester. There were so many good
ideas, so now we are afraid that we won't be able to do all of them this
fall semester.

Several events which we are definitely having this semester are:
 Tea Ceremony Workshop
 Calligraphy Workshop
 Flower Arranging Workshop
 Appreciation of Japanese Music
  eg. Ondego-za, the Japanese Taiko Drummers' Performance at the Flynn
 Lunch at Sakura(Japanese restaurant, downtown Burlington)

We are also planning to have an instructional workshop to get ready for
the actual workshop.
We are going to have a regular meeting next Wednesday for all the
registered students and others who are interested to finalize the
activities and events for this fall. If you have good ideas to share,
please come and join us. At the same meeting, we are also going to learn
about Japanese food, menus, and table manners to get ready to enjoy the
Japanese food at Sakura sometime soon. The meeting will be:

time: September 9(Wed)
      12:20 - 1:10
Place: Weathervane Dining Room L/L

If the students who are registered for this course find any conflict with
this meeting arrangement, please let me know.
I look forward to seeing you at the meeting.     Mutsumi Corson

Please call 656-1117 if you have any questions.