JHOUSE Archives

January 2009


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Kazuko Suzuki <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Japanese House <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 20 Jan 2009 22:39:00 -0500
text/plain (48 lines)
Japanese House members,
Thank you all for the ideas. Corson-sensei and I will talk at our  
first Japanese program meeting tomorrow am for this semester and  
provide our inputs soon.
Kazuko Suzuki Carlson
Department of Asian Languages and Literatures
University of Vermont
479 Main Street
Burlington, VT 05405

Quoting Wen Wen Cheung <[log in to unmask]>:

> J- House Meeting Agenda/Notes
> Japanese Movie Night (Movies, Poster, Refreshment)
> - Sam and Sarah nicely Accepted to be In Charge
> -By End of Friday, Please Submit 3 Movies Names into the List serves
> -Ask Corson and Suzuki Sensei about buying new movies after the
> submitted movie list
> - Ask Suzuski Sensei about Refreshment- Debbie (25)
> 3 Friday Movie Nights+ 1 Potluck (Last week of the month)
> Japanese House Event Brainstorm Time and Date
> -Collaboration with Tea House (50/50) on Tea Ceremony
> - Spring Festival (Volunteer/ Ask Corson Sensei)
> -Ask Corson Sensei for any possible Japanese house events possibly
> Museum of Japanese Art
> Magazine/ Cooking/ Collaboration
> -Please 1 to 2 Magazine names to the List Serve if interested
> -Japanese Holidays (Research) – I will do some research and of   
> course, if ----anyone would like to also free to bring ideas to this  
>  Sunday meeting.
> -Ask Corson and Suzuski Sensei about New Decoration (Japanese Office)
> Feedbacks
> Bobby suggests that it is a good idea that everyone could do some
> research about the events that could be interesting for the J-House to
> do together.
> Zach said it is could be nice for the two sensei to get more involve
> with the J-house event.
> NEXT MEETING WILL BE THIS SUNDAY January 25,2009 at 7:00pm