JOBS Archives

January 2007


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Laura Flint <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Jump on Board for Success <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 4 Jan 2007 17:29:24 -0500
Hi Everyone,

Please save the date of February 23, 2007 for the next quarterly JOBS meeting.  

Place:  VT Historical Society in Barre, VT
When:  2-23-07 from 9am - 3pm

Agenda and directions will follow down the line.  Please, if you have anything you would like to have on the agenda let us know as soon as possible.

Also, the Supported Employment (SE) Retreat at Lake Morey Inn in Fairlee, VT is coming up quickly on February 7 & 8, 2007.  Input from JOBS is extremely important and this event offers an opportunity to share your ideas, experience, and shape the future of SE in Vermont.  If you are attending, terrific!  If you are not, please let me know what would help to get you there.  

All the best,

Laura Flint
Vermont Supported Employment Project Coordinator
Dartmouth Evidence-Based Practices Center
Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center
(802) 652-2028
(802) 652-2005 (fax)
[log in to unmask]

Mailing Address:
Department of Health, Division of Mental Health
108 Cherry Street
P.O. Box 70
Burlington, VT  05402-0070