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June 2006


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Glen McClintock <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Jump on Board for Success <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 30 Jun 2006 13:46:11 -0400
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Hello Everyone ~

There's been a lot of discussion recently about Medicaid eligibility for
youth ages 18-21. While the Legislature has recently ordered a study be
conducted to look at the impact of extending basic eligibility from age
18 to 21, these youth may already qualify for Medicaid under certain
circumstances (such as Ribicoff Medicaid).  Here are the Ribicoff

Youth ages 18-21 with less than $2000 in resources may be eligible for
traditional Medicaid coverage, including EPSDT services. The youth must
have monthly net income under $841 ($908 in Chittenden County). If the
youth lives with one parent, the resources and income of the parent
count. If the youth lives at home with two parents, the income standard
is a little higher: $1008 ($1075 in Chittenden County); and the resource
standard is $3,000.
If you believe youth meet these qualifications and are still only
receiving VHAP, please contact your local Economic Services office.
Also, because of the transient nature of this population, the status of
a youth's eligibility may change frequently and you may want to review
your case load on a regular basis to note these changes.
We'll be reviewing Medicaid eligibility at the next JOBS retreat, July
28th at the DAR State Park. In the mean time, If you have any questions,
please feel free to give me a call at 241-2195.
All the best,