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January 2007


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Jump on Board for Success <[log in to unmask]>
Bryan Dague <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 10 Jan 2007 14:56:50 -0500
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Mental Health & Rehabilitation eCast

January 2007

The Mental Health & Rehabilitation eCast is a 
monthly emailed newsletter with the purpose of 
informing mental health and rehabilitation 
networks worldwide about the activities and 
resources produced by the Center for Psychiatric 
Rehabilitation as well as for disseminating 
general mental health and rehabilitation news.


Guide to Creating a Statewide Anti-Stigma Campaign Available

Developing a Stigma Reduction Initiative is 
designed to support the activities of those who 
plan and implement a statewide, regional, or 
local effort to address and counter stigma and 
discrimination. This free kit offers guidance on 
how to implement an initiative, sample materials 
and templates to use in developing communication 
materials, tactics to enhance outreach efforts, 
and directories of resources for creating public 
education materials. A schools training package 
and business materials to create mental 
health-friendly environments are also provided. 

Manual Describes Community Integration Supports Development

Are you an agency or organization working to 
assist people in their recovery and promote 
community integration? If so, this manual 
addresses that need. Community Links is a 
voluntary program that matches peers or community 
members with people who:

          (a) have court orders of 
non-hospitalization or involuntary commitment;

          (b) are dependent on the mental health 
system for assistance and support; and/or

          (c) feel isolated from their community 
due to mental health difficulties.

This program is based on the findings of the 
Moving Ahead Research Project (Shery Mead and 
Mary Ellen Copeland, co-principal investigators, 
Vermont Real Choices Grant, 2004). The manual 
includes complete instructions for developing and 
administering a Community Links Program including 
a three-day training for links, and a CD with the 
slides and handouts for the training. Community 
Links: Pathways to Reconnection and Recovery is 
available through the mental health recovery 
website at 
by phone 802-425-3660 or fax: 802-425-5580;  or 
by email at 
<mailto:[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask] 
The cost is $70 for the manual and CD.

Empowerment Scale Goes Multilingual

The Empowerment Scale, a 28-item instrument 
designed to measure subjective feelings of 
empowerment, is being translated into numerous 
languages for use in a Pan-European study 
involving 20 countries across Europe. The study 
being conducted by the Institute of Psychiatry at 
Kingís College in London is the latest among many 
organizations and settings within the United 
States and other countries to adopt the use of 
the instrument.  The Empowerment Scale was 
developed at the Center for Psychiatric 
Rehabilitation at Boston University with the 
assistance of a consumer advisory board (Rogers, 
Chamberlin, Ellison and Crean, 1997). The scale 
is best used in studies where the focus is on 
adults receiving services for mental health 
issues and when administered more than once to 
determine change over time.  For additional 
information, email E. Sally Rogers at 
<mailto:[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask]

National Institute of Mental Health
Requests Input on Research Questions

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is 
seeking input from the clinical research 
community, mental health professionals, patient 
advocates and individuals living with mental 
illnesses, private and public mental health 
service systems and providers, the pharmaceutical 
and biotechnology industry, and other interested 
groups about important public mental health 
research questions that could be addressed using 
the infrastructure provided by three NIMH 
clinical research networks - the Bipolar Trials 
Network (BTN), the Depression Trials Network 
(DTN), and the Schizophrenia Trials Network 
(STN). For more information, go to 

Funding Opportunities for Researchers
from National Institute of Health

Behavioral & Integrative Treatment Development Program


Building Translational Research in Integrative Behavioral Science


Clinical Research on Mental Illnesses in Older Adults


Community-Based Participatory Research at NIMH


Co-Occurring Mental Illness, Alcohol and/or Drug Abuse & Medical Conditions


Early Identification and Treatment of Mental 
Disorders in Children and Adolescents
Application Receipt/Submission Date(s): Multiple dates, see announcement.

Effectiveness, Practice, And Implementation In 
CMHSí Comprehensive Community Mental Health 
Services Program for Children and their Families 
Service Sites


Methodology and Measurement in the Behavioral and Social Sciences


Reducing Mental Illness Stigma And Discrimination


Refining and Testing Mental Health Interventions 
and Services for Youth with Mental Illness who 
are Transitioning to Adulthood



Research on Mind-Body Interactions and Health


Research Project Grant


Research On Adherence To Interventions For Mental Disorders


Research On The Reduction And Prevention Of Suicidality


Research on Rural Mental Health and Drug Abuse Disorders



This eCast is jointly supported by the Center for 
Mental Health Services (CMHS), Substance Abuse 
and Mental Health Services Administration and the 
National Institute on Disability and 
Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), Department of 


Feel free to forward this eCast to your 
colleagues. Anyone can subscribe to the eCast at: 
are subscribed to the eCast as 
<[log in to unmask]>. If you do not wish to 
receive future emails from the Center for 
Psychiatric Rehabilitation, please reply to this 
message with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the SUBJECT line.
Bryan Dague, Ed.D.
University of Vermont
Center on Disability & Community Inclusion
Mann Hall, 3rd Floor
208 Colchester Ave.
Burlington, VT 05405-1757

Email: [log in to unmask]
Phone: (802) 656-1345
Fax: (802) 656-1357
TTY: (802) 656-8499