Please let folks throughout New England know about this urgent meeting.
Worcester PeaceWorks <[log in to unmask]> announces:
New England Activists Gathering
SATURDAY, NOV. 2, 2002
8:30am - 4:30pm
Jefferson 320
Clark University
Worcester, Massachusetts
Supported by an Emergency Grant from the Haymarket Peoples' Fund
The New England Activists Gathering will bring together people and organizations interested in networking and coordination who share common goals and concerns:
1. To stop the War on Terror at home and abroad.
2. To prioritize government funding for domestic issues such as health, education, jobs and housing.
3. To strengthen our communities.
The Gathering will focus upon:
Schedule Of Activities:
8:30-9:15 Welcome and Introduction
9:15-11:15 Workshops:
Using the media
Group facilitation and listening skills
Fundraising strategies
Knowing our rights
Creative tactics and strategies
Using Technology
Dealing with diversity in groups
11:15- 12:30 Focus Group Caucuses:
High School Students
College Students
Rural and small town organizing
Religious groups
Organized labor
Human rights
Animal Rights
Create your own!!!!!
12:30-1:45 Lunch:
Please bring your own bag lunch or plan to visit one of the many nearby
1:45-3:15 Regional Caucuses
3:15-4:30 Final Plenary:
Discussion around creation of mechanisms for communication and coordination among local groups.
You can register online.
Just click this link:
FAX: (508) 752-3730
Call: (508) 799-6228
Or send this form to:
Worcester PeaceWorks,
P.O. Box 367
Worcester, MA 01604
Please include the following information:
Street Address:
Zip Code:
Please indicate which workshops and focus group`you would be most likely to attend. Please also indicate if you wish to stay overnight, and how many people would be staying.
Driving Directions:
From Points South: Take Rte. 290 East to Exit 11 (College Square).
You will be on Southbridge St. Go through the first traffic light and at the second light (Cambridge St.) take a left. Follow Cambridge Street for about one mile (through a small traffic light) until you get to a large intersection and traffic light (Main St.). Take a right onto Main St. and proceed to the first traffic light (Maywood St.). Take a left on Maywood St. and park in the lot on your left.
From 190: Follow 190 to 290 West through Worcester and get off at Exit 11 (College Square). At the end of the exit go left on Southbridge St. Follow the directions above from Southbridge St.
From 495: Follow 495 to 290 West through Worcester and get off at Exit 11 (College Square). At the end of the exit go left on Southbridge St. Follow the directions above from Southbridge St
Some space is available for overnight visitors. Please let us know in
About Worcester PeaceWorks
We came together in response to the events of 9-11 and have meet weekly to plan and carry out numerous public protests and educational events. Our organization questions present and past U.S. foreign policy. We work to oppose the current military build-up and to shift priorities to address domestic needs. Our members are involved in a variety of community organizations in the Worcester area and represent multiple religious, ethnic and political backgrounds. For more information visit our website at
I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today -- my own government. -- Martin Luther King
Worcester PeaceWorks
P.O. Box 367
Worcester, MA 01604
Phone: 508-799-6228
FAX: 508-752-3730
Email: [log in to unmask]
Visit us online at:
Martin Voelker
32 Hall Ave Medford, MA 02155-3115
(781) 391-9933 or toll free (877) 459-7348
Cell phone: 508-314-3768 (rarely on, no voice mail)
[log in to unmask] [log in to unmask]
John Wilmerding, Convener and List Manager
Coalition for Equity-Restorative Justice (CERJ)
1 Chestnut Hill, Brattleboro, VT, ZIP: 05301-6073
Phone: 1-802-254-2826 | 1-802-380-0664 (cellular)
CERJ was founded in New York in May, 1997.
"Work together to reinvent justice using methods
that are fair; that conserve, restore, and even
create harmony, equity and good will in society."
To join (or leave) the CERJ email list, kindly send
me an email message at [log in to unmask]
or at [log in to unmask] I'll need your first & last name,
your email address, and your state, province or
country of residence. Thank you! -- John W.