March 2006


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Natalia Fajardo <[log in to unmask]>
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Natalia Fajardo <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 14 Mar 2006 07:58:30 -0500
text/plain (47 lines)
better late than never....

1. feedback about Luis Cardona and Winds of Change Conference

2. Killer coke survey

3. Coke's shareholders' meeting april 19th wilmington, DE

4. Contact local sodas

5. coalition's name

6. 5 min-presentation: databases

7. Earth week exhibit

1. The presentation on Tuesday went really well overall. For future 
events, we should advertise more downtown and in other non-uvm venues. 
The Winds of Change conference, in which Chris talked about our 
campaign, also went very well.

2. CHRIS will fill out the killer coke survey about UVM's coke contract.

3. Coca-Cola's shareholders meeting is on April 19th. we want to take a 
van. will discuss more about it on thursday

4. CHRIS will contact Polar, OTHERS can find out about Fago in Detroit 
and Blue Sky.

5. We want to mimic U Mich's strategy of building a large coalition of 
different groups to cut the contract. our name shall be

Coalition for the Removal of Coca-cola, CRC

CORAL will contact the Law students to help us cut the contract

6. LENA is putting together a database of all the groups and 
departments we should present to. EVERYONE, please email her name and 
meeting time of those you know.

7. Many of you attended the Slade potluck to plan Earth Week. We are 
thinking of a couple of strategies, like a coca-cola booth, or a very 
visual exhibit. more details on Thursday.

Keep it up all! see you thursday at 5, Lafayette 202