Please can people copy and paste the info below about the panel and send it to
any listserves that you are on and don't forget to announce it in your classes
and POSTER POSTER POSTER! Posters are available at the Women's Center, My
office A403 Old Mill Annex and in Leigh's mailbox on the second floor of the
Allen House. Please come pick them up and plaster the campus.
THE IMPORTANCE OF CHOICE - A panel on the struggle for reproductive rights
sponsored by the Reproductive Rights Co-alition on campus.
Sandy Baird - Vice Present of NARAL in Vermont (National Abortion Rights Action
League) who will speak on the current legislation and laws governing
reproductive rights.
Jessica Oski - representative from Planned Parenthood who will speak on the
legislation on reproductive health issues in Vermont.
Charlotte Miller - from the International Socialist Organization who will speak
on the origins of women's oppression and the history of the struggle for
reproductive rights in this country.
Come and join the discussion and find out more information about how you can get
involved with the co-alition on campus and the campaign to protect reproductive
rights against continued attack from the Bush administration. Also find out
more information about the march in DC on April 25th for women;s lives.
WILLIAMS 301 Monday 23rd February 7pm.