February 2004


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Christina Helene Churchill <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Choice Coalition <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 17 Feb 2004 21:55:20 -0500
text/plain (61 lines)
Okay, so if you missed the meeting on monday this is what was covered:

1. Postering
  -TJ has a list of places to poster and which people on which days are
  -places to poster are L/L, library, Redstone, medical buildings, your dorm,
your classes (make announcements), burlington downtown area
  -posters are in Charlotte's office (403A Old Mill), the Allen House on the
second floor, and the Women's Center

2. Tabling
 This was covered in the email that Kris sent out.  If you have a time that you
can table and you weren't at the meeting definitely email him
([log in to unmask])

3. Panel
 - We voted to meet at 6:30 pm at Williams Hall (Room 301) before the panel
(which starts at 7pm)
 - The chair person from our group will announce info about buses for the March
in April and also make sure that our group is identified so people willl feel
encouraged to join
 - There will be a table at the panel (sign up with Kris if you want to table at
the panel) where we will have different materials pertaining to the issues in
which we are concerned

4. International Women's Day
 - We need a speaker who will do a short, informal speech introducing the UVM
reproductive rights coalition and the March, etc. If you are interested contact
 - We would like to have a table at the event happening the evening of the day
 - For a future meeting: Propose everyone show up to the event on the evening of
International Women's Day?

5. Estrogen Fest
 - Kristen (I am sorry if that is the wrong name) handed out estrogen fest
pamphlets that have all the information about what is going on during the
weekend of Feb. 19-22.
 - There will hopefully be a table at the Fest put on by the UVM Reproductive
Rights Coalition. If you are intersted talked to Charlotte or Leigh.

Proposals discussed and/or passed:

1. Change the meeting on March 1st to 6 pm at Ira Allen Chapel.  This passed.
The reasoning for the change: there is an event, Return to Little Rock, being
held in Ira Allen (need tickets for entrance) at 7 pm that night.  People are
intersted in at least flyering and someone (I don't remember who) is talking to
Tim in the Women's Center to see if we can have a table.

2. Change the meeting this upcoming Monday to 6:30 pm at Williams Hall room 301.
 This passed. The reasoning for the change: so we can meet before the

3. Name? reproductive Rights Coalition. This passed.

So see you all on Monday at 6:30 in Williams.  Make announcements in your
classes and pick up flyers!
