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December 2005, Week 3


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"Gacki, Margie" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Gacki, Margie
Wed, 21 Dec 2005 16:26:02 -0500
text/plain (44 lines)
Wow, what a response I got to my query about Physician's Weekly.  I
usually thank folks individually who respond to my questions because I
don't get many replies, but since I have gotten 40 replies so far, I
think I'll just say one giant THANK YOU to everyone who offered input.
What a great list this is!

Here's a summary of responses:

38 positive responses-people were happy with the service, posters are
bright and colorful and informative.  Posters were placed in many areas
including the library, physicians lounge, radiology department, hallway
to physicians lounge, and doctor's area in OR.  Many folks had them near
a copier so people could glance at them while waiting for the copy job
to finish.  A number of folks had physicians ask for the old posters.
Of those that specified, 17 said people looked at the posters, 4 said no
one looks at it, and 7 didn't know since the posters weren't in the

2 negative responses-1 called it drug company propaganda since there is
an ad at the bottom of the poster and 1 was asked to take it down
because of the advertising.

Another thing to consider is how much wall space you have since the
posters are quite large.  Many people commented on the nice oak frame in
which the posters are displayed.  About half the responses stated that
someone comes to change the poster weekly.  The other half receives the
posters by Fed Ex and they do it themselves.  (This might depend on
geographical location.)

I received a couple sample posters and they do look very nice.  I will
have to see if I have the space to hang them.  Before I make a decision,
I think I will ask the CE/Library Committee for their input.

Thanks again to everyone who replied.  I appreciate your time very much.
And in response to some of your e-mails:  Merry Christmas and/or Happy

Margie Gacki
Medical Librarian
Western Maryland Health System
Cumberland, MD
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