I would like some feedback from Medlibbers on their preference for
database software. I will be setting up a database of tobacco/smoking
patient & consumer educational items. We mostly use dBase 3+ in my
office. Several individuals have tried version 4 and hated it. I
haven't seen or heard anything about version 5 yet. I have tried FoxPro
and would put that at the bottom of my list. I have not yet tried
MicroSoft's Access. Any thoughts/comments?
<*> Patricia A. Auflick [log in to unmask] <*>
<*> Rural Health Office [log in to unmask] <*>
<*> 2501 E. Elm St. Phone: (520) 626-7946 <*>
<*> Tucson, AZ 85716 Fax: (520) 326-6429 <*>