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November 2003, Week 3


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Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 17 Nov 2003 09:00:24 -0600
Lorri Zipperer <[log in to unmask]>
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Lorri Zipperer <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (88 lines)
As we are aware of the importance of having the best information
available to ensure the safety and effectiveness of patient care, I
thought I'd share some information on an exciting new development that
you may not yet have heard of.


The National Library of Medicine (NLM) believes that clinical care,
biomedical research and education, and public health administration can
be improved by the inclusion of in-context information specialists
informationists) into work and decision settings.  Informationists are
information specialists who have received graduate training and
practical experience that provides them with disciplinary background
both in medical or biological sciences and in information
sciences/informatics.  Their cross training provides informationists
with a unique perspective on the acquisition, synthesis and application
of information to problem solving and program development in their
chosen area.

The NLM Individual Fellowship for Informationist Training provides
support for experienced librarians, scientists, health professionals and
others who wish to become in-context information specialists.

Priority areas for informationist training are:

o clinical informationist - to work in health care delivery and clinical

o research informationist - to work in biomedical research, research
administration, or scientific curation

o public health informationist - to work in public health at the
national, regional or local level

o consumer health informationist - to work with the general public on
health information issues

These fellowships are intended for health sciences librarians,
scientists, health professionals and others who wish to broaden their
existing scientific background by acquiring the additional disciplinary
knowledge and experience to function as an informationist. This award
can be used in conjunction with a sabbatical experience.

The candidates for this award will have an appropriate graduate degree
for professional practice in their field, such as a research or
health-professional doctorate for researchers and clinicians. The
requirement for a doctoral degree need not apply to candidates in the
following professional fields: engineering, computer science, library
and information sciences, nursing. However, graduate preparation for
professional practice is required in those fields.


For the full application please visit:


Lorri Zipperer, Cybrarian

Zipperer Project Management: Helping Experts Excel

[log in to unmask]

847-328-5075 (phone and fax)

"Mistakes are the portals of discovery." James Joyce.