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June 2008, Week 1


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"Feddern-Bekcan, Tanya" <[log in to unmask]>
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Feddern-Bekcan, Tanya
Tue, 3 Jun 2008 21:33:04 -0400
text/plain (57 lines)
Thanks to PubMed's new search system/formula, most pages are gobbledygook to me--at least until I figure out how their new system works.  P.S.  If you don't like how PubMed maps your keyword search term, I noticed that enclosing it in quotation marks will turn off the mapping.  For example, if you wanted cultural and not culture, search with "cultural."  I didn't make it to MLA this year.  Does anyone know where there's a detailed explanation of PubMed's new search formula?

Take care,

Tanya Feddern-Bekcan, MLIS, AHIP, MOT, OTR/L 
formerly Tanya Feddern
305.243.6648 - [log in to unmask] - 305.325.9670 (fax) 
EBM Theme Co-Director & Reference and Education Librarian Louis Calder Memorial Library - University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
"A library without a librarian is a reading room."-- Jenny Garcia of the University of Wyoming, MLS, AHIP


From: Medical Libraries Discussion List on behalf of Jana Liebermann
Sent: Tue 6/3/2008 3:56 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Problems with PubMed?

I'm having problems with PubMed.  Anyone else?

It is not letting me page through results --  It gives me a gobbledygook
error message at about the third page or so.

Jana C. Liebermann, MLS

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