MEDLIB-L Archives

July 1994, Week 4


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HOLLY HELLER-ROSS <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 21 Jul 1994 14:19:17 -0500
text/plain (28 lines)
Date sent:  21-JUL-1994 13:58:35
I agree that some postings could best be directed to individuals.
I certainly agree that good descriptive subject lines go a long way
toward helping me determine which message I want to read. Conventions
like placing a ? before a querry also help identify types of messages.
Perhaps we could all send our ideas again to Nancy Start, and she could
make some "rules" ?
However, some of the seemingly chatty messages have in fact contained
valuable information.
Finally, while referring ILL/Verification/Journal Exchanges to more
specific lists could reduce volume; it could require people to subscribe
to more lists than are desirable. It is nice to know that the bulk of
electronic communication among medical librarians occurs right here.
I think!?
"If Mark Funk has anything scathing to say to this, he should reply to
               me not the list" :)  HHR, 1994
HOLLY HELLER-ROSS * Outreach Information Services Librarian * Feinberg Lib.
SUNY College at Plattsburgh * Plattsburgh, NY 12901 *  Phone (518) 564-5192
Fax 518-564-5209 * SPLAVA::HELLERHB * [log in to unmask] *