Anyone have any other ideas on how to cite from the JCAHO Accrediation
Standards? Here is the question I got and I have not found anything.
Cindy Perkins
Manager, Medical Library
Children's Hospital Central California
9300 Valley Children's Place
Madera, CA 93636
559-353-6176 fax
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>>> Christina Costello 6/2/2008 1:49 PM >>>
I am trying to locate the correct way to cite The Joint Commission
Hospital Accreditation Standards Manual for our policy and procedures
references. The manual reference would have a Chapter followed by a
Standard that may include an Element of Performance. For example:
Provision of Care, Treatment, and Services (Chapter) Standard 12.110 and
Element of Performance 3.
I thinking it would be:
The Joint Commission Hospital Accreditation Standards.2008;
But I cannot find any similar citations. I have an inquiry out to the
joint commission but thought you might be able to help.
What do you think?
Christina Costello
Accreditation Coordinator
Accreditation & Regulatory Compliance
Children's Hospital Central California
9300 Valley Children's Place
Madera, CA 93636-8762 ( )(
Phone: (559) 353-5655
Fax: (559) 353-5686