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January 2006, Week 2


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Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 13 Jan 2006 17:01:00 -0800
Arpita Bose <[log in to unmask]>
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Arpita Bose <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
Please join the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona for Geeks Bearing Gifts: Unwrapping New Technology Trends, presented by Michael Miller, Technology Coordinator of NN/LM PSR. 

Two sessions will be offered:

1) Tuesday, March 14, 2006 at California State University, Northridge, CA
2) Friday, March 17, 2006 at Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ

This course provides a fun, fast-paced introduction to today's hottest technology trends and how they will impact or can be integrated into traditional library services. Content will be presented with a "can-do" focus to encourage participants to investigate at least one technology for implementation at their institution. Course structure will include brief vignettes and demonstrations of a wide variety of technologies, including library management systems, open source software, the Open Access movement and free online journals, spyware, mobile computing, RSS, blogs and wikis, radio-frequency identification (RFID), and more.

Michael Miller is the Technology Coordinator for the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Pacific Southwest Region (NN/LM PSR). Michael provides Internet and technology instruction and support to regional network members, as well as Web development for a variety of NN/LM and NLM programs and services. He received a Bachelor of Arts from the University of California, Los Angeles specializing in Music Performance. Since 1993, he has been actively involved with Web technology; he is currently exploring distance learning technologies and their applications in the NN/LM environment. 

Full details and a registration form will be posted on the MLGSCA Discussion List 

Registration deadlines:
California: March 7, 2006 
Arizona: March 10, 2006

Late registrations and on-site registrations will not be accepted!

Arpita Bose
Clinical Support Librarian
Educational and Research Services Division
University of Southern California
Norris Medical Library  
2003 Zonal Avenue                                          
Los Angeles, CA  90089-9130
(323) 442-1128 direct
(323) 442-1483 office
(323) 221-1235 fax
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