MEDLIB-L Archives

January 2011, Week 3


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"Wold, Michael W." <[log in to unmask]>
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Wold, Michael W.
Fri, 21 Jan 2011 08:57:37 -0600
text/plain (31 lines)
I need to find a "standard, guideline, protocol" dealing with: "Can the
same IV tubing be used when moving from a peripheral IV to central
line?" It does sound like an infection control issues.


I have search several places and might just be missing what I am looking


Any references or sites would be appreciated. I will try to summarize
for the group.


Michael Wold, MLS

OSF St. Mary Medical Center 

Galesburg, Illinois 


PS-It is only -8 right now. It must be a heart wave!!!!

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