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June 2008, Week 1


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"Patricia M. Weiss" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Patricia M. Weiss
Mon, 2 Jun 2008 13:52:00 -0400
text/plain (54 lines)
Hats off to UWisconsin-Madison libraries for getting a jump on this 
problem. On the RefWorks listserv recently, Emily Wixson announced that 
they have posted instructions for managing PMCIDs and NIHMSIDs in 
RefWorks. See

Pat Weiss

Patricia M. Weiss, MLIS
Reference and Information Technology Librarian
Chair, University Senate Benefits and Welfare Committee
Technology Editor, MLA News

[log in to unmask] - Voice 412.648.2040 - Fax 412.648.8819 - Health Sciences Library System

Falk Library - 200 Scaife Hall - University of Pittsburgh
3550 Terrace Street - Pittsburgh, PA 15261

Ascher, Marie wrote:
> With regards to the NIH Public Access Policy, I'm curious as to what
> suggestions fellow medical librarians are giving to researchers related
> to workflow and the latest requirement (the May 25 deadline) that PMCIDs
> must be cited. In particular I'm thinking of a researcher who has
> thousands of references in his RefWorks or EndNote library, and who now
> wants to go and add the PMCIDs. Is there any way to automate the process
> of drawing these in from PubMed to already existing records? Do any of
> the citation software products "refresh" PubMed records, and overlay
> with the new records containing the PMCIDs? Has anyone discussed this
> with RefWorks et al? (We're a RefWorks institution, so personally I'm
> interested in that particular product.)
> I had a researcher in just after 5 PM on Friday who was just
> flabbergasted by this new requirement (having just become aware of it)
> and short of finding the 2008 citations on his grant and checking them
> against PubMed, editing the records, etc. I didn't have any better
> advice for him. 
> Any suggestions?
> Marie
> ************************************************
> Marie Ascher    [log in to unmask] 
> Head, Reference & Information Services
> Health Sciences Library
> New York Medical College
> Valhalla, NY 10567
> Ph: 914-594-3168    Fax: 914-594-3171